Introducing our team members:
Omar Ahmed Alsuhaibani (Project Manager)
My name is Omar Alsuhaibani and I am a senior here at GMU majoring in Bioengineering (with a concentration in Biomedical Health Informatics) and planning to minor in Health Information Technology.
In addition to this project, Omar has also worked on three other group projects this summer on the topics of comparing the effects of computer-generated music and commercial music on emotions, creating a robotic mirror therapy exoskeleton for children with cerebral palsy, and developing a visual tool that applies real-time biofeedback to display heart rate data from an EEG / heart rate monitor in VR simulations. If you are interested in either of these topics, please feel free to visit the linked websites to learn more about them.
Robotic Mirror Therapy:
Music and Emotions:
EEG Heart Rate / Reliability Testing:
Taylor Dinh
My name is Taylor Dinh, and I am a senior in the GMU Computer Game Design Major. In addition to coding, I do freelance artwork with several companies, and have my designs printed and sold through them. I hope to one day be a splash artist for Riot Games!
In addition to this project, Taylor has also worked on another group project this summer about how to create a Recovery Room for patients with substance use disorder (SUD). If you are interested in this topic, please feel free to visit the linked website to learn more about it.
Recovery Room:
Elizabeth Kwari
My name is Elizabeth Kwari and I am a junior attending GMU, majoring in Electrical Engineering and planning to minor in Computer Science.
In addition to this project, Elizabeth has also worked on two other group projects this summer about the topics of linguistic racism and creating a robotic mirror therapy exoskeleton for children with cerebral palsy. If you are interested in either of these topics, please feel free to visit the linked websites to learn more about them.
Robotic Mirror Therapy:
Linguistic Racism:
Sara Razavi
My name is Sara Razavi, and I am a rising Sophomore at the California Institute of Technology majoring in Bioengineering.
In addition to this project, Sara has also worked on two other group projects this summer about the topics of linguistic racism and creating a robotic mirror therapy exoskeleton for children with cerebral palsy. If you are interested in either of these topics, please feel free to visit the linked websites to learn more about them.
Robotic Mirror Therapy:
Linguistic Racism:
Research Supervisor: Nathalia Peixoto (Email:
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